Thursday, November 22, 2012

ImagiNation: Finished Wine Guard

I've finally gotten around to finishing off the basing on these eight figures.  I had put off getting some more wood filler for way to long.  It took a trip to the local hardware store to buy a wine decanter (fitting reason I guess), I finally picked up a new bottle and got back to work.

Overall, I am happy with how these turned out, considering it was bodged together with the leftovers of other units.

Up next is a small order from Front Rank, finally completing my first of three cavalry regiments, the overall commander stand and some more (and much needed for a flavour standpoint) "Notables" to be used in conjunction with the ruleset Maurice.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

ImagiNation: Secret Project #2

Finally I can reveal the completed model:  "Arch Bishop Ambroise de Chabichou du Poitou".  The newest member of the Grand Duchy of Gourmandie.  This bad-boy "Most Holy" will be used in Maurice for the Cleric national traits.  I plan on adding my own, but that has to be ordered from The Assault Group and can only be had with a certain amount of pounds purchased.  Lucky for me, my entire second army for my ImagiNation project will be sourced from this fine company.

I tried to match the colours used in the different uniforms of the Grand Duchy of Gourmandie when painting this one up.  Dave and I tend to "compete" with each other when it comes to including various narrative elements to our armies and I feel that this one will fit in well.  He may have gained the upper hand with both the carriage that accompanies his Duke into battle and now this Bishop versus my single wine cart.

This model is HUGE!  Most certainly a 30-32mm one.  It has massive "pitchers mound" syndrome going on.  I was going to dremel down the bottom of the figure, but was a bit unsure with my nerves to do so.  Oh well, I guess Dave can just play it off as being a giant of a man.

I had to resort to basing him on a 30mm base vs the usual 25mm... Yea, its that big...